Unblocking links during autotests

When I press unblock links and images button new tab is opened that goes to “https://mailsac.com/dirty/…” but links in the initial tab are still blocked. Any ideas?

Hello Virtuix,

From the inbox view when you click on the button “Unblock links and images” a new tab should open with the images visible and the links clickable. I’m included a screen capture of the process. Let me know if you are experiencing something different.


Hi, thanks for the quick answer. Unfortunately when running autotests(Selenium or Playwright, both c#) I get unfinished new tab. When I do it manually it shows unblocked page just fine. Is there a possibility to to turn off this link blocking functionality completely?

Hi Virtuix,

Thank you for reaching out. When it comes to incorporating Mailsac into your autotesting processes, utilizing our REST API is the optimal approach. By integrating with our API, you gain seamless interaction with our service, enhancing the efficiency and accuracy of your tests.

To assist you further, we’ve curated a comprehensive Cypress tutorial specifically designed to streamline your email testing experience with Mailsac. This tutorial provides step-by-step instructions on how to send emails to Mailsac and verify their reception using our REST API. You can access it here.

For ease of managing your messages, our API offers an endpoint specifically tailored for listing messages within an inbox. With this feature, links within messages are conveniently parsed for your convenience. You can explore this functionality further through our documentation.

Even on our free tier, you’ll have access to our powerful API capabilities. Simply navigate to the API Keys and Users section within your Dashboard to create, regenerate, or delete API keys as needed.

We’re here to support you in your integration efforts, whether you’re working with Selenium, Playwright, or any other tool. If you encounter any challenges or have specific requirements, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re committed to ensuring a smooth and successful experience for you.


Thanks, I already use your REST API for half a year. But sometimes you want to play with real UI.

The other thing to look at, if you haven’t seen it, is fetching the “dirty” body:

The links won’t be blocked that way.

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